We review the history of astronomical X-ray polarimetry based on the author�s perspective,\nbeginning with early sounding-rocket experiments by Robert Novick at Columbia University and his\nteam, of which the author was a member. After describing various early techniques for measuring\nX-ray polarization, we discuss the polarimeter aboard the Orbiting Solar Observatory 8 (OSO-8) and\nits scientific results. Next, we describe the X-ray polarimeter to have flown aboard the ill-fated original\nSpectrum-X mission, which provided important lessons on polarimeter design, systematic effects, and the\nprogrammatics of a shared focal plane. We conclude with a description of the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry\nExplorer (IXPE) and its prospective scientific return. IXPE, a partnership between NASA and ASI,\nhas been selected as a NASA Astrophysics Small Explorers Mission and is currently scheduled to launch\nin April of 2021.